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andorinha das rochas. Ptyonoprogne rupestris. crag martin

Ptyonoprogne rupestris


A completely brown bird, with the underparts lighter in colour than the upperparts. This martin has a more square tail and broader, triangular wings than the Sand Martin, to which it is similar in body shape. In flight, it is possible to observe the white markings on the retrices, which is a very distinctive feature. Juveniles have buff-brown tips to the plumage of the head, upperparts, and wing coverts. This species has no sexual dimorphism.



There are no subspecies of the Eurasian Crag Martin, since it is a monotypic species.

Scientific Name Transcription

​The term 'Ptyonoprogne' derives from the Greek words Ptuon and Prokne, meaning 'who likes Progne'. Progne is a Greek mythological character who was transformed into a swallow by the gods. The Latin term 'rupestris' originates from the word rupes, which means 'rock'.

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32 to 34 cm

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17 to 26 g

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4 to 5 EGGS


Distribution and Ecology

Summer species in central Europe and the temperate regions of Asia; wintering species in eastern Africa and southern Asia; and resident species in the Mediterranean basin. In Portugal, it is distributed from north to south and is present all year, unlike all the other swallows and martins that are only present in spring and summer. Although this swallow has a preference for rocky and rugged habitats, it may also occur in urban areas.

mapa de distribuição da andorinha das rochas. Ptyonoprogne rupestris distribution map. crag martin distribution map.




The Eurasian Crag Martin is a species that does not inspire much concern regarding its conservation, maintaining the status of Low Concern (LC) both in Portugal and internationally. This species uses a great diversity of nesting sites, both natural and artificial, and rarely groups their nests together, not being subject to the pressure suffered by other swallows and martins. 



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