This project, which began in 2020, consists of monitoring nests, ringing and placing geolocation devices on Red-rumped Swallow (Cecropis daurica) in the Castro Verde region with the aim of studying migration and identifying this population's wintering areas, as well as monitoring the rate of return to the same nest and breeding phenology.

In 2021, 19 geolocator devices (GLS) were placed, of which 3 were recaptured in 2022 and 1 in 2023. Preliminary results indicate that these birds winter in West Africa, mostly south of the Sahel. An average of 17 active nests per year have been monitored. In the first three years of the project, 86 adult individuals were ringed, and on average only 5 individuals are recaptured per year, suggesting that nest and mate fidelity is low.