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Investigação do andorinhão pálido. Apus pallidus


In order to disentangle the biology and ecology of swallows and swifts, to understand their role in the provision of ecosystem regulation services (e.g. control of disease vectors and agricultural and forest pests), to assess the status of their populations and the habitats that support them, to identify the main threats they face and to delineate priority conservation measures, it is necessary to study and monitor the populations of these species.


In this regard, andorin not only contributes to the monitoring of these birds, whether through the work carried out by the project, or through the citizen science campaign that was founded, but also seeks to support research projects that have this theme as their object of study, seeking funding, establishing contacts and creating synergies that facilitate and promote the work of researchers associated with different universities and research centres.

If you are or intend to do a study related t swallows, martins or swifts, do not hesitate to contact us! 

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