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World Swift Day

Today we celebrate Swift Day, a special date dedicated to raising awareness and conserving these extraordinary birds!

Did you know that swifts are essential for our well-being? By feeding exclusively on invertebrates, these birds play a crucial role in reducing the number of insects, many of which are harmful to agriculture.

With their aerodynamic bodies and long wings, these birds are perfectly adapted to their predominantly aerial lifestyle, capable of spending long months in flight. They can eat, drink, sleep, and even mate while flying.

Despite their adaptability and resilience, swifts are in decline. The main threats to the conservation of these birds are:

  • Changes in agricultural practices, leading to a decrease in the number of invertebrates;

  • Poor management of many buildings, leading to the destruction of nests of these and other species;

  • Climate change, which affects the annual food availability, compromising not only their nesting but also their migration to Africa.

Help us protect the species of swift found in Portugal by registering their colonies on our website!


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